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Why Choose Us?

Our Commitment to Quality

At TheLAB, nothing is more important to us than quality. We are dedicated to providing all of our clients with the highest level of service possible. From the moment you step through our doors, we go above and beyond to provide you with an experience that far exceeds your expectations. We use state-of-the-art technology and the latest techniques to ensure that we deliver the best quality service possible.


We Use The Best of The Best

Our shop is equipped with industry-leading brands such as 3M, System X Ceramic Coatings, and Avery Dennison Films to ensure that the products used on your car are of the highest quality. At TheLAB, we take a personalized approach to each vehicle, tailoring our services to meet the unique needs and preferences of each customer. As a complimentary service, we offer a shuttle service to ensure that your scheduled service doesn't interrupt your daily routine. While you wait, enjoy a complimentary cup of coffee or mimosa in our comfortable and inviting waiting area.

Ceramic Coatings - OKC
authorized installer - the lab
avery dennison - okc
3m - the lab - Edmond - okc

Certified Installers

Licensed and Insured


2600 Linda Lane

Suite 9

Edmond, Ok 73013

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